How To Attract Your Ideal Attendee To Your Virtual Event

Fill your virtual events

Putting butts in the seats is by far the most common stressor among virtual event hosts. You love sharing your expertise and delivering value. But what if you build it and they don’t come? Hey, I’ve been there. I think most event hosts have.

Getting the right people at your virtual workshop, course or training program starts with knowing who the right people are. I have a tool that I share with clients called the Ideal Attendee Avatar Worksheet. Much like identifying your ideal client, we use this tool to identify the perfect attendee for any event. This avatar usually describes a subset of your ideal client. I think it’s important to point out that not every ideal client is your ideal attendee. You will have clients at different stages with different needs. And you likely have different program offerings to fit those needs.

5 Key Areas To Explore


Here is where you start to identify that sub-set. Get a clear picture of who she/he is. Where she lives, what she does, how much money she makes, her education, how she spends her time, etc.


What other programs, courses, workshops, conferences, etc. has she invested in before? How has she educated herself to this point. Who does she follow, read, listen to? What has been her experience up until now?

Current Pain or Challenge

She is struggling with a challenge or pain that your program can help with. What is that pain? How does she describe the pain? How does she express the challenge she’s facing? Have you heard her talk about it? What does she say?

Fears and Insecurities

She faces fears that have held her back so far. She has not taken action to move past the challenge, most likely due to a fear or insecurity. What are those insecurities that hold her back and keep her stuck in place. Or maybe she is pushing herself to the next level and ready to break through, what might she fear in doing so?

What Solutions Does Your Program Provide?

Can your match a solution provided in your program to her pain, challenge, fear, insecurity? Here is where we start to craft the language that speaks to her. You will only know how to speak directly to her if you have been listening and understand where her head is at.

The result we get by working through this process is clear and direct language that your ideal attendee will relate to. She will see herself in your statements and know that you understand her needs. She will trust that your program can help her solve her challenge.

Spending the time to do this work upfront will make the entire process of marketing your virtual event so much easier and far more effective.

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