4 Ways Entrepreneurial Woman Use Live Virtual Events To Grow Their Business

Do you struggle with finding a way to stay connected with your clients and engage with new clients since live events came to a halt?

I was talking with a two professional women this morning. One an attorney and one a project manager. Both woman asked for examples of how I help entrepreneurial women who want help creating high value, high engagement live virtual events.

Here are four strategies and examples of ways you can reignite relationships with clients, bring value to them and bring new prospects and clients into your business through live virtual events.

1. Educational Seminars

These are typically 30 – 60 minute sessions to teach clients and prospects from your area of expertise. You could use as a series of “lunch and learn” style or maybe evening sessions.


  • As a realtor you might run monthly sessions on the best ways to prepare your home for top offers.
  • As an estate planning attorney you may host a 4 part series on how to prepare a trust.
  • If you are a physical therapist you could host free Saturday morning stretch sessions for pain sufferers.

2. Client Appreciation Events

These are free events you can host to say thank you to your existing clients. Encourage them to invite a friend who would be an ideal referral.


  • If you are a leadership consultant you might host a workshop like 50 Fun Things to help them find ways to improve culture within virtual work teams.
  • As a nutrition coach specializing in nutrition for diabetics, you could host a guest chef who demonstrates and shares fabulous sugar free recipes.
  • If you’re life coach specializing in helping overwhelmed moms you might host a dual event. You could offer coffee chat for mom’s and story-time for kids. *This is a really fun way to collaborate with a children’s author.

3. Ask Me Anything / Office Hours Events

These virtual events are designed to make you more accessible to your existing clients. They also share your expertise with your community.


  • As a small business accountant you might host Tax Time Q & A sessions quarterly.
  • A PR agency could offer an Pitchfest event where clients and prospects could submit media pitch ideas to be selected from to have the agency help them refine during the session.
  • If you’re a business coach you might host weekly office hours where clients can show up to ask questions about business strategy.
  • If you are a book publisher you could host “Ask Me Anything” happy hours for wanna be authors.

4. Virtual Workshops

Much like an Educational Seminar, a virtual workshop is a longer format with more hands-on engagement and solid outcomes by participants.


  • As an accountant you might put on a workshop for small business owners teaching them how to set up a chart of accounts. Attendees actually complete their chart during the session with guidance from the facilitator.
  • If you’re a landscape designer you could host an virtual workshop educating casual gardeners about regional plants and design strategies. It could even be a series that allows time between sessions for attendees to do garden prep, planting, etc.
  • As a social media manager you might facilitate a virtual workshop on how to optimize your social profiles. Then, attendees would do hands on work during the workshop and share their updated profiles for critique.

All of these examples can be easily hosted on a simple platform like Zoom. You can offer free of charge or as paid events.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list. It’s intended to inspire you to get creative and to no longer allow live event restrictions to stop you from cultivating meaningful relationships with clients and growing your business.

Hi, I’m Sheri Bennefeld, founder of Way Beyond Ordinary. I help business leaders, entrepreneurs and educators design & deliver virtual events with none of the overwhelm and all the impact. If you need help I’m here.