Time management is one of the most sought after business training topics in the history of forever! I have worked in corporate training since the late 1980s and time management training is by far the most requested program across all industries and disciplines. So, what is the deal? Why do we find it so difficult to manage time?
Here’s the thing. We cannot manage time. Time is a constant, it continues with no regard for us. What we CAN control is how we manage ourselves – self management. So, what we are really seeking is productivity, efficiency, prioritization, decision making skills and clarity.

Effective use of our time as business leaders has to begin with Clarity. You must have a clear vision for your business and where you are heading. When you are clear about your vision, you can set goals to help you get there. This also includes clarity of your role. As a leader, what is the most important use of your time?
A clear vision makes it easy to make decisions. Establish decision criteria that directly connect to your vision and goals. By having a set of simple decision criteria to run options through, you shorten the time needed to make decisions and you move on to execution much more quickly. For me, decision criteria is a series of 5 questions, if I can answer yes to all 5 then I move forward. If I land only 4 yes’s I’ll still consider it, any less than 4 and answer is no.
With a clear set of criteria to help you make decisions in business you are able to look at projects, tasks and opportunities with more focus. This clarity makes prioritizing work easy. You know which tasks will have the greatest impact, which can wait and which can be disregarded all together.
When you’re able to prioritize effectively your work and your business operations become more efficient. You are no longer wasting time on low priority, low impact tasks that do not move you in the direction of your goals. You find your days less cluttered with time-wasting activity.
Ultimately these efficiencies lead to a more productive use of your time. Saying no to low priority actions that don’t require your attention gives you back control. Now you can look at the high priority tasks and determine the most productive way to get them done. Some of these tasks may be more efficiently completed by someone else, freeing you to stay focused on your critical tasks. Learn to delegate the tasks that can be done as well or even better by someone else.
If you’re thinking, this is great, but I have no one to delegate to, think again. Outsourcing is a great option for small businesses. Start by identifying any areas that you are not efficient in. Maybe it’s marketing, or bookkeeping, or designing webinars. Look at the tasks that take a lot of your time. Could someone else accomplish those tasks more efficiently? And what could you be doing with your time while someone else is doing it?
Being in two places at once. That’s the ultimate in time management!
Outsource your course and program design to a professional instructional designer and events expert. Yes, I can help you design and deliver high-value, high-engagement virtual events that create lasting impact for your audience.
Here is sample of what we can do together. Use this free design menu and all of the ideas in it get started. And if you’re ready to have it done-for-you. Email me and we’ll talk.

Want more productivity tips and ideas? Check out this blog
Protect Your Attention To Increase Productivity